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Featured battle : Berg-Isel 1
Part of The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars
Date : 25 May 1809
Only 900 Austrian and 400 Tyrolean were regular troops, the remainder of their side were locally raised millitia. The Tyroleans expected more of the population to rise against the Bavarians and were disappointed. There weree few losses on each side and the enagement was inconclusive. [see Berg-Isel 2 29th May 1809]
Featured image :
British 25 pounder field gun

The 25lbr Mk II QF gun was the standard British divisional field gun from the 1940's up to the late 1960's. It could be used in both the close support and anti-tank roles. The large wheel-like disk mounted horizontally under the body of the carriage can be lowered, and the gun mounted on top to assist its rapid traverse. This particular gun fought with 11 Field Regt. Royal Artillery, has an 87mm caliber, a weight of 1,800kg and fired an 11.3kg round up to 12,250 metres.
Gallery updated : 2022-04-04 08:33:43
Featured review :
Armoured Warfare in the British Army 1939-1945
Dick Taylor
This is the second book in a three part series on Armoured Warfare by Dick Taylor. Part one has a good review on this site and this book is every bit as good. The enormous amount of research is presented in a easy readable way and would appeal to a large range of readers. The key story is the rapid development of both the hardware and the application of it brought about in the heat of warfare. The many failures including those of the senior commanders in the struggle to catch up with German tank warfare are clearly spelt out. The story is told by following the course of the war through the armoured units involved in the variety of campaigns. There are appendices on some technical aspects and a good and necessary glossary.
This is a book to settle down with for a good read or to use as a reference on armoured actions in World War Two. Roll on the third book of the series.
Pen & Sword Military, 2022
Reviewed : 2023-01-02 14:44:46