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Featured battle : Mechanicsville
Part of American Civil War
Date : 26 June 1862
Confederates under A.P.Hill attacked across the Chickahominy and drove the Union troops east through Mechanicsville and across Beaver Dam Creek, but there Porter's yankees formed a strong position and repulsed A.P. and D.H Hill's un-coordinated attacks. Jackson, who was due to out flank Porter never arrived and the Confederates fell back.
Featured image :
English Civil War Foote

A pikeman and a musketeer from the 17th century. The pikeman in this picture actually holds a halberd, which would have been particularly effective against mounted opponents. He is also armed with a mortuary sword hanging to his left, and is protected by a pikeman's back and breast armour with a pot morion helmet. The musketeer in the left of the picture shows the much lighter arms of this branch. His only protection is his buff coat and his weapons. He carries the match-lock musket of the time, with a rapier for close combat and the powder charges and priming flask can clearly be seen. The event was an archelogical open day on The Mount, York, where evidence of a Civil War battery or sconce had been found prior to building work.
Gallery updated : 2022-04-04 08:33:43
Featured review :
Fighting for the French Foreign Legion - Memoirs of a Scottish Legionnaire
Lochrie, Alex
There are quite a number of memoirs out there of men attracted by the legion, and I've read most of them. Luckily, this one ranks quite highly amongst those I've read. The author manages to join the legion at quite an advanced age - 38 - and so brings a different viewpoint to the training and life as an older man.
His training and experience as a member of their special forces is usual for this kind of book - he serves in Tchad, Bosnia, Desert Storm, but he becomes a technical specialist in photographic techniques and brings a sensitivity to his writing that is sometimes lacking in others. It's a more thoughtful book, and should be a good addition to anyone's Legion library.
Pen & Sword Military, 2013
Reviewed : 2015-05-27 20:14:20